
If Pregnant and Can’t Sleep at Night Watch This!

Pregnancy offers numerous surprises, a breeze for some, while others find it extremely difficult, and almost as soon as they become pregnant and can't  sleep at night. Whether you breeze through or meet with complications, the video in this article will amuse many of you. The down-to-earth humour of a morning routine after very little sleep contains many hilarious observations. It should really help many of you to cope with your pregnancy.

Try to remember that no matter how bad it may seem, pregnancy lasts for just nine months.

When it is over, your baby will be the joy of your life. The information given in this article will help you enjoy this special time in your life.

Provided the majority of what you eat is balanced and healthy, it's okay to give in to those cravings! Your cravings happen for a specific reason, and your body may need whatever those foods contain. Your body goes through energy much faster whenever you are pregnant; therefore, don't neglect food cravings.

Common Pregnancy Concerns

How pregnancy is achieved nowadays; benefits of pregnancy in the couple; needs of a pregnant woman; what causes cramps during the first trimester of pregnancy; cramps during the second and third trimester; what causes nausea and vomiting; when does it happen; how to control nausea and vomiting.

A woman's life would not be complete if she would not have the experience of conceiving a child. Although there are some women who, under certain health circumstances, cannot bear one, there are now new ways of becoming pregnant. Artificial insemination, for example, is an artificial process of giving fertilisation which is done by placing the sperm of the man into the female's cervix or uterus rather than by natural copulation. Other women prefer adoption, but this kind of process usually takes time and money.

Being pregnant at the right time could be beneficial for the couple in many ways. Pregnancy often makes them even closer together, and this would be the turning point where they would feel and begin their own family. It also connects the couple in a very special way, and through getting pregnant they may develop more values regarding life and marriage.

Pregnancy is especially hard on the part of the woman. This is the time where they have to be extra health conscious by eating the right food, having proper exercise, ample rest, and sometimes getting what they want. Think of eating strawberry shortcake at 3 a.m.? These requests can be a bit unreasonable, but to make the pregnant woman feel better, her husband would have to give way…and make a way.

During the course of pregnancy, the woman might feel various complications that are considered normal when pregnant. Cramps during pregnancy can be mild to severe, depending on the mother's health status. During the first trimester, women can experience cramps during implantation, which usually happens from eight to ten days after the ovulation period. Another cause for cramps would be the stretching of the uterus. The woman's body will prepare for the baby by expanding and stretching the uterus, therefore causing mild cramps. Unfortunately, cramps can be accompanied by bleeding or spotting when there is a possibility of a miscarriage. Other causes of cramping during the first trimester would be due to gas pains and constipation, often leading to feelings of discomfort. In the course of the second and third trimester of pregnancy, cramps can also occur during pre-term labour and during early labour. These cramps are often accompanied by back pain.

Another common complication among pregnant women would be to experience nausea and vomiting. It occurs when a combination of physical changes and hormone levels take place during early pregnancy. This condition usually begins around the sixth week of pregnancy, and can happen at any time of the day. Although most women experience nausea and vomiting until the twelfth week of pregnancy, queasiness can also come and go during the nine month period. In most pregnant women, such feelings of nausea and vomiting affect their health, especially when it comes to eating. It is important not to skip meals even if one feels sick and queasy, so that the right amount of nutrients are given to the unborn child.

In controlling nausea and vomiting, keeping track of the woman's diet is crucial. When waking up, try to eat a few crackers and rest for fifteen minutes before getting out of bed. Eating small meals can help in avoiding an empty stomach, and cold meals are recommended, since food odour can sometimes be annoying for pregnant women. Eating pickles, pretzels, bread, cake, watermelon, nuts, or mushroom soup can help in relieving the feelings of nausea. Getting plenty of rest, taking time off from work, fresh air, and even acupuncture can also relieve a pregnant woman from nausea and vomiting. By having regular check ups with the OB Gynecologist, pregnancy can be fairly easy for both husband and wife.


Pregnancy is a wondrous moment. It is the time when women are excited to be called “moms.” It is a great opportunity to learn about child's growth and development. But sometimes it can be the other way around. Pregnancy is not always such a happy experience for some. Pregnancy can also be a time for worry. It can also be a moment of confusion.

A woman's decision to begin a pregnancy carries with it the acceptance of the lifelong responsibility to be a parent. Ideally, effective parenting begins even before the moment of conception, when the woman confirms her desire to have a child and is physically and mentally prepared for the challenges of pregnancy, birth, and parenting.

However, most women go through a lot of changes during pregnancy that sometimes, it is causing them stress as well as numerous emotional and physical changes. As a result, many pregnant women develop depression during their pregnancies.

Depression is the most common psychiatric disorder, so it's a commonly encountered pre-existing condition during pregnancy. Depression has both physiological as well a sociological causes. It is actually caused by a number of different factors. But, it is most likely to be linked to a change in the levels of chemicals in the brain. These chemicals govern our moods, and when they become disrupted, it can lead to depression.

During pregnancy, the rapid change in a woman's body’s hormones can trigger a change in the levels of these chemicals, resulting in depression. Interestingly though, women have it twice as often as men, and among women, there is an increased tendency toward it during the reproductive years.

It has been proven that the rapid rise in hormone levels during pregnancy is actually a very common trigger for depression. At least 20% of pregnant women experience some depressive symptoms during their pregnancies, while 10% of pregnant women develop full-blown clinical depression. Depression during pregnancy is actually much more common then many people realize. At one time, health care professionals thought that pregnant women couldn’t suffer from depression because of their pregnancy hormones. It was believed that these hormones protected against mood disorders like depression.

Any pregnant woman can develop depression at some point throughout her pregnancy. There are several causes of it during pregnancy, some of which are the following:

· having a personal or family history of depression
· relationship or marital conflict
· age at time of pregnancy
· unplanned pregnancy
· living alone
· limited social support
· previous miscarriage
· pregnancy confusions and complications
· history of emotional, physical or sexual abuse

Because depression can often drain a woman's desire and energy, pregnant women with the disorder may not seek appropriate prenatal care. Depression during pregnancy may also increase the likelihood that a pregnant woman will abuse alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs during pregnancy. When it is most severe, clinically diagnosed depression can be a psychiatric emergency. Because a woman is in a very difficult period of adjustment and less likely to climb out of her despair, hopelessness, and suffering, she poses a danger to herself and her new baby.

Pregnancy is a particularly active field for depression to either start anew or worsen if already a problem. The extra physical, financial, marital, and sexual stresses come whether one is ready or not. On top of that, any new feelings of poor self-image can reinforce depression's already negative self-image problems.

Preparing for a new baby is a lot of hard work, but a woman's health should come first. A pregnant woman should resist the urge to get everything done, she should limit her activities and do things that will help her relax. Talking about things that concern a pregnant woman is also very important during these difficult times. A pregnant woman should ask for support, which most often than not, she will get. Remember that taking care oneself is an essential part of taking care of the unborn child.

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