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Month by Month Body Changes During Pregnancy: What to Expect

Month by month body changes during pregnancy: What to Expect. Those pregnancy body-changes: we explain what to Expect Each Month.


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey that comes with a lot of changes. The body undergoes both physical and emotional changes during this process. In this article, we will discuss the different body changes that occur month by month during pregnancy.

Month 1-2:

During the first month of pregnancy, the body undergoes hormonal changes to prepare for pregnancy. These changes may cause fatigue, nausea, and breast tenderness.

At this stage, the embryo is forming, and the uterus is starting to expand.

Month 3-4:

Image illustrates: Article about body changes during pregnancy month by monthThis is the phase where the baby's major organs start to develop, and the body continues to change. At this stage, the uterus expands, and the belly starts to show. The nipples may darken, and the skin may become itchy and dry.

Month 5-6:

During this stage, the baby's movements become more apparent, and the mother may experience shortness of breath due to the growing uterus.

The body also undergoes changes in the digestive system, leading to constipation and heartburn. The mother may also experience swelling of the feet and hands.

Month 7-8:

In the third trimester, the body undergoes significant changes. The mother may experience backaches and increased fatigue, and the uterus continues to expand. The baby's head may start to move downward, and Braxton Hicks contractions may occur.

Month 9:

The body prepares for childbirth by experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions and dilation of the cervix. The mother may experience more fatigue and discomfort, and the baby may move less frequently.

Conclusion toMonth by Month Body Changes During Pregnancy

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In conclusion, pregnancy is a unique experience that comes with a lot of physical and emotional changes. Understanding the different body changes that occur month by month during pregnancy can help prepare you for what to expect. Remember to prioritize your health and well-being during this beautiful journey.

More about what pregnancy does to the body can be found here.

Image shows Pregnancy Miracle ebook offer.

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