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The Week by Week Body Changes During Pregnancy – What to Expect

In this article, we discuss the week by week body changes during pregnancy and what to expect. Put simply this is what to expect from your body each week of pregnancy.


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with ups and downs. As a woman's body adapts to the growing fetus, it undergoes a myriad of changes, both physical and emotional. One of the most important things to know about pregnancy is how the body changes during pregnancy week by week. In this article, we explore the different changes that occur and what you should expect.

First Trimester

The first trimester of pregnancy is a critical time for the growth and development of the fetus.

During this time, the body undergoes various changes, including morning sickness, fatigue, and breast tenderness. As the weeks go by, you may also notice that your waistline is expanding, and your clothes are getting tighter.

Week 4-6

During the first few weeks of pregnancy, the body starts producing hormones that signal the uterus to prepare for the growing fetus. This process can cause mild cramping and spotting. Additionally, you may experience fatigue and nausea due to the high levels of progesterone in your body.

Week 7-9

By weeks 7-9, the fetus is about the size of a grape, and you may start to notice changes in your body. You may experience increased breast tenderness, frequent urination, and cravings. Additionally, you may begin to feel more fatigued as your body works hard to support the growing fetus.

Week 10-12

The Week by Week Body Changes During Pregnancy: The tummy!During the 10-12 week period, the fetus starts developing major organs such as the liver, heart, and kidneys. As a result, you may experience increased fatigue, morning sickness, and mood swings.

Additionally, you may start to notice more visible body changes, including a growing belly and weight gain.

Second Trimester

The second trimester is often considered the most enjoyable period of pregnancy. During this time, the body has adapted to the growing fetus, and many of the initial symptoms have subsided. However, there are still some changes that occur during this period.

Week 13-16

By weeks 13-16, the fetus has grown to the size of an avocado, and you may start to feel it moving.

Additionally, you may experience increased energy, which is a welcomed change compared to the first trimester. You may also notice that your hair and nails are growing faster and stronger.

Week 17-20

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Featured image with the text: “Week by week Body Changes During Pregnancy “.

During the 17-20 week period, your baby's eyes and ears are developing, and you may start to feel more frequent movements. As your belly grows, you may notice stretch marks and increased back pain. Additionally, you may experience heartburn and constipation due to the pressure on your intestines.

Week 21-24

By weeks 21-24, the fetus is about the size of a banana, and you may start to experience Braxton Hicks contractions. As your body prepares for labour, you may also experience increased vaginal discharge and swelling in your ankles and feet.

Third Trimester

The third trimester is the final stretch of pregnancy, and the body prepares for labour and delivery. During this period, many of the initial symptoms return, and new symptoms may arise.

Week 25-28

During the 25-28 week period, the fetus is developing rapidly, and you may experience increased fatigue and shortness of breath.

Additionally, you may notice more frequent contractions and increased pressure on your bladder.

Week 29-32

Week by week tummies get bigger: The Week by Week Body Changes During Pregnancy.By weeks 29-32, the fetus is about the size of a squash, and you may experience increased discomfort due to the growing size of your belly. Additionally, you may experience leg cramps and difficulty sleeping due to the pressure on your organs.

Week 33-36

During the 33-36 week period, your baby's brain and nervous system are developing rapidly, and you may experience increased Braxton Hicks contractions. Additionally, you may start to experience pre-labour symptoms such as diarrhoea and back pain.


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with many changes. By understanding how the body changes during pregnancy week by week, women can better prepare for the changes that lie ahead. While each woman's pregnancy journey is unique, the changes described in this article are common experiences that many women go through.

Remember, pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and every change is a reminder of the precious life growing inside you.

But in addition to the wee by week changes, there will be largely unexpected changes which can include:

Skin Changes

Going beyond the week by week body changes during pregnancy, the skin goes through a lot of changes. Some women develop a dark line that runs down the centre of their abdomen, known as the linea nigra.

Others develop dark patches on their face, known as melasma. These skin changes are generally harmless and disappear after pregnancy.

Stretch Marks

Humour: The unintentional stretchmark's Artist!One of the most common and noticeable changes that occur during pregnancy is stretch marks. As the stomach grows, the skin stretches, which can cause the formation of stretch marks. These are pink, red or purple lines that will fade over time.


Many women experience acne during pregnancy due to hormone changes. This can be frustrating, especially if you’ve never had acne before. Avoid using harsh chemicals or scrubbing your face too hard, as this may irritate your skin. Speak to your doctor if the acne is severe.

Spider Veins

Another skin change that can occur during pregnancy is the appearance of spider veins.

These are tiny blood vessels that appear on the face, chest, and legs. They usually disappear after pregnancy but can be treated with lasers if they persist.

Hair Changes

Many women experience changes in hair growth and texture during pregnancy. Some women report thicker, fuller hair, while others experience hair loss. These changes are due to hormonal changes in the body.

Increased Hair Growth

Some women experience increased hair growth, particularly on the face. This is due to the hormone changes that occur during pregnancy. Speak to your doctor if you are concerned about your hair growth.

Hair Loss

Some women may experience hair loss during pregnancy. This can be due to hormonal changes or other factors such as stress.

Hair loss generally resolves after pregnancy but can be treated with medications if it persists. It occurs in conjunction with the other week by week body changes during pregnancy.

Body Changes

During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes to accommodate the growth of the baby. While some of these changes are expected, there are others that can be quite weird and unexpected.


One of the most common weird pregnancy body changes is swelling. This can occur throughout the body, but it is most commonly seen in the feet and ankles.

This is due to an increase in blood volume and pressure on the veins in the lower body.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that can be seen through the skin. They can be painful and may require medical attention. Varicose veins are a common weird pregnancy body change.

Linea Nigra

As mentioned earlier, the linea nigra is a dark line that runs down the centre of the abdomen. This is a weird pregnancy body change that occurs in many women usually well advanced in the week by week body changes during pregnancy.

Conclusion: Unexpected Week by Week Body Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey filled with many changes. While some of these changes are expected, there are others that can be quite unexpected. In addition to the expected Week by Week Body Changes During Pregnancy, weird pregnancy body changes often also occur that can be overwhelming and confusing, but they are generally harmless and will go away after pregnancy. If you are concerned about any of the changes you are experiencing, speak to your doctor for advice.

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